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Narayana Verlag

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2.421.537 Kunden aus 190 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen


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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.421.537 Kunden aus 190 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen
Buch: 352 Seiten, geb.
Best.-Nr.: 03136
Gewicht: 750g
ISBN: 978-888-879901-8 9788888799018
Englische Originalausgabe.
Nightmare between Light and Dark
€ 45,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Buch: 352 Seiten, geb.
Best.-Nr.: 03136
Gewicht: 750g
ISBN: 978-888-879901-8 9788888799018
Englische Originalausgabe.

Solanaceae: Nightmare between Light and Dark explores the parallels and distinguishing features of this group of homeopathic medicines with Belladonna as its archetype. Not constrained by the botanical family, Massimo Mangialavori broadens the scope of this group to other homeopathic medicines such as Lyssinum, Gallicum acidum, and Tanacetum, that share fundamental themes with other Solanacea remedies.
He examines the well-known toxic Solanaceae such as Belladonna, Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, as well as less represented remedies such as Mandragora, Solanum nigrum, Solanum tuberosum aegrotans. The non-toxic Solanaceae, Capsicum, Dulcamara, Tabacum, Lycopersicum and Solanum tuberosum, are also presented and compared with the others.

With a fresh outlook and characteristic precision, Dr. Mangialavori refines our understanding of this group of substances from meticulous analysis of his cured cases as well as the classic homeopathic literature. In true Renaissance fashion, this beloved Italian medical doctor weaves his broad knowledge and experience of anthropology, biology, botany, medicine, psychology, history, mythology, and the Classics for a fuller understanding of homeopathic medicines as well as the study of humankind.

€ 45,00
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  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Solanaceae: Nightmare between Light and Dark explores the parallels and distinguishing features of this group of homeopathic medicines with Belladonna as its archetype. Not constrained by the botanical family, Massimo Mangialavori broadens the scope of this group to other homeopathic medicines such as Lyssinum, Gallicum acidum, and Tanacetum, that share fundamental themes with other Solanacea remedies.
He examines the well-known toxic Solanaceae such as Belladonna, Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, as well as less represented remedies such as Mandragora, Solanum nigrum, Solanum tuberosum aegrotans. The non-toxic Solanaceae, Capsicum, Dulcamara, Tabacum, Lycopersicum and Solanum tuberosum, are also presented and compared with the others.

With a fresh outlook and characteristic precision, Dr. Mangialavori refines our understanding of this group of substances from meticulous analysis of his cured cases as well as the classic homeopathic literature. In true Renaissance fashion, this beloved Italian medical doctor weaves his broad knowledge and experience of anthropology, biology, botany, medicine, psychology, history, mythology, and the Classics for a fuller understanding of homeopathic medicines as well as the study of humankind.

In den Warenkorb
€ 45,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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